a system based on circles. Exploring the unexpected outcomes generated by circle shapes. 

You'll experiment into the realm of circularity as a metaphore for unity and harmony. "Circularity" represents a system designed to unveil endless outcomes. Through photography, you'll uncover the beauty hidden within ordinary objects, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. 
By embracing this perspective the systems will support the exploration process and generate many possibilities that reside within. 
Position, rotation and scale are the pilars of this system which will guide you through exploration to find new ways to see and engage with the world around you. 


A. place a photograph in the top right corner of the square document frame, snap to centre, remove background, convert to B/W.

B. duplicate the image onto the other 3 section of the frame, by first reflecting horizontally (below), second reflect vertically (adjacent) and third reflect again horizontally (above) to fill in  all section of the frame, add a background color and an effect eg. Lighten 100%.

C. once defined the base compostion (X4 images), create another layer and duplicate the composition, but this time play with rotation, apply effects (Colour Dodge, 72%).

D. duplicate the last composition and play with scale this time. can repeat this stage (D.) until desidered result, simplistic or more complex.


E. place a photograph in the centre of the square document frame, remove background and convert to B/W.

F. duplicate the image onto another layer, keep the position alligned to the centre of the frame, scale up and down to preferred size, add a background color and an effect, eg. Lighten 100%.

G. once defined the base compostion (X4 images), create another layer and duplicate the composition, play with rotation and scale, apply effects, eg. Divide 49%.

H. duplicate the last composition and play with scale and rotation again but this time with the aim of adding visual depth use effects, eg. Subtract 83%. can repeat this stage (D.) until desidered result, simplistic or more complex.


i. place a photograph at the top right corner of the square document frame, remove background and convert to B/W.

J. duplicate the image onto the other 3 section of the frame, by first reflecting horizontally (below) & scale down, second reflect vertically (adjacent) & scale up and third reflect again horizontally (above) & scale down. group into a folder nd rotate 30°add a background color and an effect eg. Lighten 100%.

K. once defined the base compostion (X4 images), create another layer and duplicate the composition, play with rotation and scale, apply effects, eg. Divide 49%.

L. duplicate the last composition and play with scale and rotation again but this time with the aim of adding visual depth use effects, eg. Subtract 83%. can repeat this stage (D.) until desidered result, simplistic or more complex.

to collect


